Well, before i start, just wanna say "Happy Heart Day"! though its already late, but just a belated greetings. My heart day was happy, its fun even though I'm not able to celebrate it together with my special sometwo ouch..special someOne rather. jejeje! Everything will fine because i had my friends, my mom,sis and my brother. When i woke up yesterday, my cellphone has 16 messages through different friends of mine. Well,it is really nice because they not forget to greet me. Some of them had greet me 12 am as the day of valentines came. after that i've greet them also through messaging. Then i've greet my mom, after that i've took my bath and eat my breakfast because i had a class in P.E.,started 7am till 9am. I'm very happy because when we had our games for actualized the double ilimination for such schedule of games i became the champion.jejeje! At first, i've lossed the game at the first round, untill losser vs. losser i've won the game and then i've again if whoever be won the game she will be waiting for playing the championship and luckily, i've won it and for this reason i will be able to play the championship and finally jajajaja i've won it, i'm the champion and very happy for that because i have a high grade. When the class ended, my Instructor in P.E., was my closefriend so she invited me to have a lunch date well, of course i've grabbed it. We have a nice lunch and i was really happy. My friends namely: jofee,chona,lot2x,dennis and I had played cards and scrubble we really had fun. Of course, even my boyfriends not with me physically we had talk and text through cellphone and by that I'm contented, I'm happy to had him though were far but I really feel the love. So the heart day of mine was happy and enjoy. jejeje. mwaaaawh. take care!